Thumb Break 1911 Holster

I always love custom orders, especially when it’s something I haven’t done previously. For this build the client asked for a thumb break holster in genuine black elephant but the kicker was he asked for an offside carrier that held a spare magazine AND a flashlight. 

This combo was fully covered in genuine black elephant with black stitching. The offside mag and flashlight carrier also featured a tension adjustment screw. The interior on both pieces was done in smooth leather to prevent finish wear and speed the draw. Of course this was a left hand construction.

We can do sets like this for over 200 different guns and in various exotic hides, custom thread colors, and various carving and stamping options. 

Melissa and I thank you for taking the time to browse the site and hope that you will take a moment and subscribe to our latest work updates over on the contact page. 

Melissa and Eric

#thumbbreakholster #1911holster #holster #leatherholster #1911 #45acp #concealedcarry #beltholster #customholster #Customholster #1911leatherholster

Left hand genuine black elephant for a 5 inch 1911 with an offside spare mag and flashlight carrier.

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